The WikiLeaks site is inaccessible right now, so I'm relying on The Guardian for nuggets from the letters home of various US embassies.
I know that The Guardian is an incomplete source, because its editor, Alan Rusbridger, justified the publication of the leaks on the grounds that the newspaper had 'redacted' much of it. In so doing, of course, he has managed to achieve what the US State Department failed to do.
My first reaction, however, is that what governments call 'intelligence' is very similar to what the rest of us call gossip. Nor is much of it particularly surprising.
Obama thinks Cameron is a lightweight, and doubts the ability of the egregious Osborne. Extraordinary.
Andrew Windsor made 'inappropriate remarks' about a foreign country. Who would have thought it?
American diplomats spy on allies as well as enemies. Never crossed my mind.
There are grave suspicions of corruption within the Afghan government. Wow.
Sarkozy is an 'emperor sans clothes'. Quelle surprise.
Gaddafi has a 'voluptuous blonde' nurse. Actually, I didn't know that, but I'm not clear how my new knowledge will help me in my analysis of Libyan political manoeuvres.
There are now calls for WikiLeaks to be designated a terrorist organisation. Apparently, it represents a 'clear and present danger' to the US.
Now that is a surprise.
Today's listening: Hot Tuna, 1991-03-08. With thanks to Wolfgang's Vault.
I know that The Guardian is an incomplete source, because its editor, Alan Rusbridger, justified the publication of the leaks on the grounds that the newspaper had 'redacted' much of it. In so doing, of course, he has managed to achieve what the US State Department failed to do.
My first reaction, however, is that what governments call 'intelligence' is very similar to what the rest of us call gossip. Nor is much of it particularly surprising.
Obama thinks Cameron is a lightweight, and doubts the ability of the egregious Osborne. Extraordinary.
Andrew Windsor made 'inappropriate remarks' about a foreign country. Who would have thought it?
American diplomats spy on allies as well as enemies. Never crossed my mind.
There are grave suspicions of corruption within the Afghan government. Wow.
Sarkozy is an 'emperor sans clothes'. Quelle surprise.
Gaddafi has a 'voluptuous blonde' nurse. Actually, I didn't know that, but I'm not clear how my new knowledge will help me in my analysis of Libyan political manoeuvres.
There are now calls for WikiLeaks to be designated a terrorist organisation. Apparently, it represents a 'clear and present danger' to the US.
Now that is a surprise.
Today's listening: Hot Tuna, 1991-03-08. With thanks to Wolfgang's Vault.